Corporate Accelerator One-On-One
Presentation Coaching

The Big Picture...

High-end one-on-one speech coaching tailored to accentuate strong presentation skills for all levels of corporate staff. We will accentuate your strengths, stretch and challenge you professionally to not only be at the top of your field but also communicate it with power, charisma and elegance.

Whether presenting to staff in the boardroom, business proposals, team meetings or a keynote address at a sponsored event we have the skills and equipment to see you shine.

Leave the office and attend at our Kew East location, or we can come to you.


Staff who deliver client presentations, proposals or regularly present at meetings (externally or internally).

This coaching is also of great benefit to staff in leadership positions needing more attention to or advancement of their communication skills. You work individually with your personal coach for all 5 sessions.



What Results...

You can expect immediate and lasting results.

You will see a marked improvement within a couple of sessions, how you hold yourself, your confidence, how your audience responds and how you plan, structure and deliver your presentations.

This is accelerated learning. Expect obvious, positive speaking skills… the vehicle to be heard and respected for your thoughts and contribution within your work place. Skills that will see your message delivered with clarity, confidence and connection.